Sunday, September 29, 2013

Jungle Priest/Desert Priest

Their curved headdresses
Are both of "devil's claw"
They summon spirits
And evoke emotions raw.


The jungle guru
For staff he holds a snake
He utilizes fear
To cause his flock to quake.

The desert shaman
Wears cholla as a robe
And prays for peace and light
Throughout the globe.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Mendocino Herons

Anchored to the Annex wall are two blue herons.  One flies with legs back and the other stands amid water grasses. In order to fire the ceramic pieces, they were cut into kiln-fitting, smaller pieces using a jagged line to vaguely simulate feather layers.  The airborne bird shares the heavens with a blazing sun and a somber moon.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Wiser than seven...


Wiser than seven,
Warier than adolescent fawn,
This transient child
Is hawking her life for whims
Of perhaps-parents.
Swift cuddlings
And insistent demands;
Already reluctant
To show the pictures
Of lipsticks and eyeshadow
Which are not prized 
In this household.
Hiding her small self
Behind the social worker's
Hard sell.
She has clear, blue eyes
Which cannot

July 27, 1980