Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day, 2015

It's a Doggone Mystery

Yes, It's a doggone mystery to me,
Why those four best plants are now just three.

It's a doggone mystery how the canary got out
When the doors were shut and no one was about.

It's a doggone mystery why that sheet isn't there
When it was only this morning that I hung it out to air.

It's a doggone mystery why the company tripped
And how the big front curtain just happened to be ripped.

It's a doggone mystery about that rubber mat
But strange things are happening just like that.

It's a doggone mystery how my slipper disappeared,
The way things are going is getting very weird.

It's a doggone mystery 'bout that piece of birthday cake
And just what happened to the family Sunday steak.

It's a doggone mystery why the beds are all mussed up,
But we've a faint suspicion it's that doggone pup.

Lorel Lu Daus
Early Poems