Saturday, April 6, 2013

A beauty in the twilight of my day


Daffodils in twilight

Far surpass

Any other flower at any time.

I think if I could plant

Five thousand bulbs

In some secluded grassy spot,

And then

Control my destiny enough to be there

In that spot

When they have bloomed-

In rosy twilight luster,

While they shine with clear, crisp beauty,

Then –

Perhaps then -

Could I find

A beauty in the twilight

Of my day

Were I to die

In such a flowered place.

Lorel Kay, February 11, 1972

Mom's Spring Birthday falls on April 9

She loved creating, she appreciated loveliness, and she took great pleasure from nature and gardening. The natural world reminded her, at age 46 as at ages before and after, that all life, not just a Spring bloom, is fleeting.  The planting of bulbs can, with luck, enable flushes of beauty to intersect with our destinies.

Dad also comments:

In the "Twilight of my days"  the most poignant thing is to realize she wrote it in 1972 and in 2012 one of our residents who didn't know us at all at the time donated 5000 daffodil bulbs which were planted in the open areas of our little park here at SRC, just above the 5000 Bldg.  Lorel and I would sit on a bench there quite often and admire the 5000 blooming daffodils since that was as far as she could walk toward the end. I miss your Mom so very much.


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