Sunday, November 17, 2013

Dear Rosalie and Irv

                                    QUESTION ANSWERED??

            What dandelion heads remain
            Are bowed,
            Because the Kays have left.

            So loud
            The weeping of bereft
            But open flowers!

            Why do they close at night?

            Not just from sorrow,

            But because tomorrow and tomorrow
            They must obey
            Commands genetic that clearly say

            Activate proteins 210 and 180 kDa*

protein 210 kDa


            To plump the pulvini up
            With turgidity high
            And implement nyctinasty.
            By the dawn's early light
            Circadian rhythm is invoked
            And petals spread when wings take flight
            To gather pollens.

            So, from their southern clime,
            The Kays send thanks to Winesuffs
            Along with a botanical rhyme.

            The Answer?
             Nyctinasty happens!

Nyctinasty Happens
            * Underlined phrases may be accessed on the Web.

July 23, 2012

1 comment:

  1. Dad writes: Here is a typical example to how Lorel Lu would respond to a casual question posed by a friend, Rosalie Winesuff, after we got home from a very nice visit with her and Irv during the Music Festival last year in Mendocino. Rosalie, also an ardent gardener, was asking Lorel a question about flower petals closing at the onset of darkness.
