Monday, December 16, 2013

Somewhere, over the rainbow

Dedicated to 
Frieda, McKenzie, Joshua and Owen

May you all find many rainbows

Printed in Fort Bragg, California 1996 c

Chapter One
The Start

The trip began at first dawn light -
     Sonoma field of sparkling green,
Fabric of purple, red (so bright!),
     Yellow, blue - all could be seen
Spread on the grass prepared for flight.
     Two huge ballons!! Four kids between.

The Indian, John and Mister B.
     Would guide the crafts into the sky.
They'd drift past fields - so much to see.
     Josh, Owen, Kenz, and Fried would fly
In hanging baskets, far and free.
     Hot-air balloons could go so high.

But something happened at the start!
     Josh and McKenzie, quite alone
Had lifted off!  They were apart!
     Their ropes now trailed, their height had grown.
The crowd appalled, had pounding heart.
     "They'll crash..." their dad was heard to moan.

But Pomo Indian pilot, John,
     In his ballon began pursuit.
Though Fried and O were also on
     His craft with him, he was astute
And knew that dangers all were gone:
     He knew his ship! He knew the route!

(to be continued)

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